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German shepherd with ball

Dramatic video shows vets saving dog's life after ball obstruction

A dog was minutes from death after getting a ball stuck in his throat while playing. 

But a dramatic video shows the moment a team at Boyce and Houston Vets in Clydebank managed to free it in the nick of time. 

Eight-year-old German Shepherd Kaiser was already turning blue from lack of oxygen when desperate owner Suzanne MacKenzie rushed him in. 

Now the Clydebank grandmother is backing vets’ calls for owners to be ultra-careful with the size of balls their pets play with and not to waste a second if disaster strikes. 

“Chasing a ball is Kaiser’s favourite thing, but he’s got some hip problems, so I never throw it high to stop him jumping up,” said Suzanne.   

“We were at some nearby grass, and it must just have bounced and gone straight down his throat. I tried to reach in and manipulate it out, but it was too far down. 

“He was choking and gasping for breath. I knew I couldn’t wait, so while I was trying to phone the vet, I put him in the car and drove him straight there. 

“But halfway there, his breathing changed to a horrible rasp. I knew it was bad, and it was so scary.” 

When Suzanne arrived at Boyce and Houston, part of the My Family Vets network, the whole team swung into action, and he was rushed to the treatment room. 

With the ball stuck too far down the throat to easily reach, Kaiser was sedated and put on a catheter as he was panicking and asphyxiating. 

A dental gag was put in place to keep the mouth open. 

“There was a tiny gap allowing some air to get in, but the soft tissue was swelling, and his tongue was blue through lack of oxygen,” said Clinical Director Joanne Cameron. “Kaiser couldn’t have survived much longer, so time was critical. 

“The ball was too slippy to get out using instruments, and I didn’t want to risk pushing it down and blocking the airway completely.  

“So, I used my fingers to work at the ball from the outside of the throat, and then I felt it moving and suddenly pop out.” 

Having witnessed another case where, tragically, the dog didn’t survive, the vets are warning other owners about the potentially deadly dangers balls can pose. 

“Never let your dog play with a ball that’s small enough to obstruct the throat, and also watch if it runs after someone else’s ball at a park,” said Ms Cameron. 

“If a ball does get stuck, then don’t try and get it out; just get the dog to a vet immediately.” 

Suzanne had been sick with worry and was so relieved when she was finally able to take Kaiser home after he had recovered. 

“I couldn’t stop crying while sitting waiting,” added Suzanne. “The thought that they might be unable to save him was awful. 

“I’ve binned all his balls, and I’d definitely advise everyone not to take any chances.”

Boyce and Houston is part of My Family Vets, a nationwide network of veterinary practices and referral hospitals. 

Owners who join its Pet Health Club plan receive discounts on selected veterinary care and medications — and are also covered for regular, routine treatments such as vaccinations, health checks and flea, worm and parasite treatments.

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